Trust your best Possibilities

Living Brilliance Coaching

Entfalte, was in Dir steckt.

Living Brilliance: Dein Genie und Dein Potential sind greifbar nah, aber noch jenseits Deiner Routinen. Entfalte, was noch in Dir steckt, lass Deine Strahlkraft wirken.

You wish to align your levelihood with your values, gifts and desires for personal growth. This yearning for more meaning, expression and impact in the world has solid reasons: being generous, multitalented and powerful acting you have brought about a lot - however mostly for others, who you appreciate highly. But doing so you forgot yourself in the shadows, if not even left behind. For example, one sacrificed her career for love; the other sacrificed her career for love.

Because you have rarely made yourself the center of focus, the little attention you have given yourself begins to eat away at you. You have begun to feel uncomfortable in the usual limitation to the wishes or expectations of others. The discomfort shows that it is now time to step out of the shadows and show yourself as you are in all your ways: creative, visionary, empathetic, understanding, imaginative, innovative and value-creating.

Kein Wunder, dass andere zwar sehen, was Du gemacht hast, aber nicht, was Du alles geopfert hast. Es ist nur natürlich, dass sie erst recht nicht sehen, was noch in Dir steckt und was jetzt nicht mehr passt. Man sieht es der Raupe auch nicht an, dass sie Schmetterling werden wird. Sie muss es, denn es ist die Bestimmung von Raupen, Schmetterlinge zu werden. Genauso geht es Dir. Und nur Du spürst, dass die Metamorphose zum „Schmetterling“ jetzt ansteht.

You are brilliant, and I help you live that way too.

Imagine feeling safe, authentically confident and ecstatically alive in your body, and deeply connected to your value in a way that enables you to become fully visible and to shine your unique feminine light brightly into the world..“

Dr. Claire Zammit

(Dr. Claire Zammit,, feminine power, 2023)

Ingrid Living Brilliance Life Coaching
Djinni Genie Tiefe

Living Brilliance for a Meaningful Life

Inner Barriers veil your Genie

The felt rift between potential and what you are used to manifests often as such:

  • There is your wish to bring your gifts and talents into the world and to make a difference there and to leave a trace. However, again and again you are sliding back into old habits. How can you nourish your ressources?
  • On your way into a desirable future, you often feel alone. This is because you do not know who might support you.
  • Because you are giving and doing so much, you often feel exhausted.
  • You experience the transitioning to the next phase of life as a dilemma.
  • Your compassion with the world is overchallenging you. You feel small, hesitating and powerless, as long as you do not know that you have to start with yourself.

Wenn Du Dich in diesen Mustern wieder erkennst, bist Du eine der engagierten Persönlichkeiten, die die Zukunft mit den kreativen und verbindenden Energien gestalten wollen. Greif nach den Sternen und finde den Leitstern in Dir.

Transition into your own Radiance

You want to start a second career and reorient yourself professionally so that your livelihood also expresses your own values ​​and talents that have previously remained hidden. There is no question that this also leads to more joy and abundance in life.

Or, as you transition into an older age, you want to find out what you want to bring into the world from now on. Already in your mid-40s or at the turn of the generation, when you become one of the oldest, metamorphosis is an intensive process. So many older people then want to express themselves in the world and thus leave a mark later.

Already in midlife, many successful people demonstrate this metamorphosis of personal meaning by leaving stressful jobs and continuing to work in a value-oriented manner. The good life comes to the fore. Meaning, health, value orientation and human wisdom as well as spirituality are often measures of success before sales and profits (see Arianna Huffington, Thrive). Why do so many women come forward here? Jean Houston says that for thousands of years, women renewed life after wars and disasters had brought destruction. Reinventing yourself after the catastrophe is still primarily a woman's job.

Inner barriers can be overcome


Back to the caterpillar, which certainly has little idea of ​​its future as a butterfly. It is very likely that you only partially reflect your possibilities or only have an imprecise idea of ​​them because your self-concept sets strict limits for you. This is still the case today for the majority of women (in the Western world). While 100 years ago women often wore shoes that were too small to show off their delicate feet, today we still force ourselves into a too narrow self-image that we largely remain unconscious and speechless about. Like Snow White, who lay in a glass coffin for a long time, we have a thick glass ceiling on our consciousness for a long time.

But we can make these limitations visible and break through them. Then it is easy to step out of the shadow in which we placed ourselves long ago. Cinderella didn't have to stay in the kitchen ashes forever, but found the longed-for way out and helpers along the way. After all, the queen's shoe was the only one that fit her. This is about your uniqueness in life, about your opportunities to grow into your next, wonderful years.

"Be the star people seek. If you can't be that, be the mistake they need."

Jeffrey Kastenmüller

(Jeffrey Kastenmüller, Ich bin ein Fehler und ich liebe es, München, 2021)

You are invited

Let us talk about your open questions.

We would be happy to answer your questions about the best path to your living brilliance in an initial conversation.

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Mutter und Tochter

Brilliance through feminine power

Confidence and Growth

The energies of creativity and connection, the power of not knowing, used to be attributed primarily to women. Even today we often talk about the female principle. This is well observed historically:

Over the past 60 years, women have achieved great progress in emanzipation. They have entered wide areas that formerly were exclusively open to men. These women have liberated themselves from narrow chains by using masculine strategies. They have become powerful and excerce influence.

HOWEVER: At the same time, many of them have become powerless and helpless. They face problems with their body, with food, with happiness. And also at the same time, they have not risen as far as men with comparable qualifications.

Intuition and creativity are in demand

In order to rebalance the energetic household, feminine capabilities such as intuition, creativity, inspiration, deep wisdom and precognition, empathy and commonality are necessary. These qualities must be integrated without to discount the masculine qualities.

In contemporary typologies, intuition and intellect are no longer assigned to one gender, but to all people on a scale. Both men and women can be introverts and extroverts. For both of them, mental strength comes primarily from a good connection with the world, from trust in themselves and security in the world. Anyone who discovers the beauty on the outside can develop it from the inside.

„Our capacity for deep intuition, sympathy, empathy, compassion, and the self-healing that allows us to live long enough to share these capacities, are the needle of a compass that points us directly to our life purpose.

Gregg Braden

(Braden, Gregg. The Science of Self-Empowerment: Awakening the New Human Story (English Edition) (S.114-115). Hay House. Kindle-Version.)

Where Living Brilliance sees her Roots

For years I wondered, studied and researched how I might guide women who are standing in the shadow to get their living brilliance back. Eventually, I found the invaluable work of Dr. Claire Zammit. In a trailblazing way she has worked with tenthousands of women and discovered those specifice principles, practices and tools through which to activate the power of the feminine principle.

I owe the key to my work with feminine potential to her insights, practice and training, which I see here as human potential made up of creativity, trust and connection. After studying shamanic energy medicine, depth psychological coaching and modern healing methods, I finally discovered this work in my search, which forms the cornerstone of my studies.

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What clients say

jungianisches Coaching Ego-Selbst-Achse Brücke Verbindung Perspektiven

Finding back to yourself

Thanks to Ingrid I am aware of who I essentially am. That was a well needed help for me. I have gained my selfesteem back. Now, I know that I do not need to diminish myself in order to be accepted. It is instead about finding those people who know and appreciate my true value. Ingrid is friendly, honest and highly qualified.

jungianisches Coaching Ego-Selbst-Achse Brücke Verbindung Perspektiven

Recognizing Relationship Patterns

The patterns of relationship in my family were disclosed. Ingrid could show me the structures and functions exactly. I am now sure and optimistic to make my way forward with clarity. Ingrid convinces with deep understanding and highly structured working. Therefore her messages have reached me despite the fog and some resistance. I recommend Ingrid to others.

Whether we realize it or not, we are all dreaming the world into being.

(Alberto Villoldo*)

(* Courageous Dreaming (S.1).*Hay House. Kindle-Version.)

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