Jungian Coaching

Inner Sources of Strength

Genius in the Unconscious

Each generation has special tasks and challenges. So has each human being special possibilities, to help to develop the world a bit. You too, can give this contribution or present.

By coaching drawing from depth psychology you can make your way to find your Djinni or your genius. There are proven pathways to retrieve the genius's powers into consciousness and to find innovative solutions. 

„Whether we realize it or not, we are all dreaming the world into being.“

(Alberto Villoldo)

Ingrid Create Destiny Gemma quest Coaching Tarot


Trust Your Self

You are in a dilemma. Now, let your unconscious images on the topic help. With a clear intention, you will discover the solution in a dialogue with a symbol or an image that emerges within you.

With your inner eye, you see what is blocking you and what can set you free. You dissolve annoying triggers that currently cast shadows on your life. Trust in your unconscious sources of power is growing. Self-efficacy, success, and meaning increasingly accompany you.

You possess effective symbols

Your personal symbols are the key to your progress. In contrast to triggers, they do not trap you in unreasonable behavior, but show you the way to freely chosen action.


Emergente Kräfte des Selbst zulassen

You are a strong personality, enjoying the world and making an impact in it. Because you focus strongly on the external, you have an effect there. You do a lot, even want to meet conflicting interests. You show dedication and commitment. For that, you are praised. You willingly take on extra tasks.

The orientation towards the external, towards others, is a matter of character. However, it often happens in a way that one engages for others, not for their own stage. Why sould you shy and run away from your own genius?

At some point, it's time to turn your gaze inward and accept your own needs. Do not wait for the middle age or the transition to older age with this task. Today, it is more urgent than ever to start as early as possible to work with one's facettes of character and psyche and to get the psyche into holistic balance. There are creative solutions needed in the world and in your life, that you cannot find by the routines of rational thinking.

My offer is to give you space for your inner voice. It will show you what is important for you now.

Journey to the Sources of Strength in the Depth

Jungian Coaching is different

Jungian coaching opens the door to a fascinating journey of self-discovery and personal development. It is based on the profound principles of analytical psychology by Carl Jung. Unlike conventional coaching approaches that solely focus on goal achievement and success, we delve deep into unconscious thinking and the inner world.

Exploring the depths of one's psyche leads to a comprehensive understanding of oneself and reveals hidden facets of personality, beliefs, and new possibilities for behavior. Through this conscious exploration, the foundation for positive changes in life is created.

On this journey, you take steps of individuation – in the midst of the world, you realize your authentic self. You discover your personal archetypes, symbols, and inner landscapes. They contain the messages of the self that you can recognize. As a result, you align your actions and beliefs with your deepest desires, shaping a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Invite Coaching Mythfinders Mythology Dreams

5 + 1 =


What clients say

jungianisches Coaching Ego-Selbst-Achse Brücke Verbindung Perspektiven

Finding back to yourself

Thanks to Ingrid I am aware of who I essentially am. That was a well needed help for me. I have gained my selfesteem back. Now, I know that I do not need to diminish myself in order to be accepted. It is instead about finding those people who know and appreciate my true value. Ingrid is friendly, honest and highly qualified.

jungianisches Coaching Ego-Selbst-Achse Brücke Verbindung Perspektiven

Recognizing Relationship Patterns

The patterns of relationship in my family were disclosed. Ingrid could show me the structures and functions exactly. I am now sure and optimistic to make my way forward with clarity. Ingrid convinces with deep understanding and highly structured working. Therefore her messages have reached me despite the fog and some resistance. I recommend Ingrid to others.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate."

(Carl Gustav Jung*)

Whether we realize it or not, we are all dreaming the world into being.

(Alberto Villoldo*)

(*https://beruhmte-zitate.de/autoren/carl-gustav-jung/ Courageous Dreaming (S.1).*Hay House. Kindle-Version.)

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